When You’re Discouraged About Your Health..

I woke up this morning, feeling extremely discouraged. I felt disgusted with myself because I felt like I was slacking off in terms of my health. Questions started to arise like was I doing all I could to eat well and stay active like I encourage others to do? Why did I feel like I had fallen off? 

In this post, I’m going to be transparent with my readers because I think it is important that you know the truth.  I think overall I am a very positive person.  I have my moments of weakness just like the next person and I lean on my husband for support and encouragement as he does with me. 
The Obstacles…
- The workouts. So maybe you don’t need to go to a gym to stay in shape, but what happens when you are really motivated by class environments. I was a dancer for lots of years.  I enjoyed it so much. Now I have to encourage myself to do things at home. Alone. We have one car and my husband has to be out with it most of the time for work.  Joining a gym really isn’t financially feasible right now anyway.  I know I would be more consistent with my home workouts if I loved it.  I enjoy the movements and the workouts I do at home, but I know it would be a lot more fun if I was in a class.  That would be so motivating for me to want to stay active besides my daily stroller strides with my son. 
- Eating healthy costs money. I found out we have a farmer’s market very close to us and I looked forward to going when they reopened in the Fall this year.  It turns out they are closed because there is construction in the park where they have it every year. So I should go to the grocery store, right? We have been doing that. Fresh produce can be an arm and a leg even when you buy organic only when necessary and in season there.  The farmer’s market would have been our best bet to get a great deal on veggies. So in the meantime, we have to make due. 
- The toddler. My son started off always eating meat and vegetables since around 9 months up until about 2 months ago (he’s 19 months now). This is rare for most kids his age. I was very proud. Suddenly, he barely wants to touch anything green. I felt discouraged about this. Were we neglecting out goals to keep him eating healthy earlier on so that it would be second nature to him? I felt like we were. Thankfully, I came up with some tips to stay on track with that. He really has made me step my game up with this and I feel like I’ve had to try to reinvent the wheel. 
When you’re discouraged about your health, you should create a realistic action plan, so I talked to hubby about everything I was feeling and we did just that. 
1) Yes, I’m going to create a schedule so I can make sure I stick to my home workouts even more.  I really got off track especially since I was visiting family in New Jersey for 2 weeks at the end of last month.  
2) Even if we can’t buy all organic when we should, we are still going to make sure we’re eating more fresh, green leafy vegetables. You have no idea how much better we both felt when we were eating them every single day and not just a couple times a week. 
Letting hubby know my concerns and how discouraged I felt, I believe, was extremely important. Have you ever tried really getting on track with your health but your spouse was on a different page and would bring junk food into the house? We both come from a life of poor eating habits prior to knowing one another so this would be epic fail for either of us if the other did this.  Being on the same page is crucial in marriage. 
How do you stay motivated to be healthy? Do you feel like you aren’t really motivated to live healthy at all? If not, either way, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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  • Great post! Staying motivated to be healthy is not easy but it's harder to be sick and/or over weight. Good tip about the green leafy veggies….we love baby spinach and romaine.
    My recent post Popcorn Recipes For National Popcorn Day

    • Brittnei Washington

      It can be super hard! We really just try to take it one day at a time and when we get super off track, we talk about it and start to make changes. :)

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