Why I Made The Switch From Blogger To WordPress

Why I Made The Switch From Blogger to Wordpress

So I finally made the switch to WordPress! It has been the topic of discussion for months now and it is finally official! I also had great help from a blogger buddy of mine Taryn.  She helped me create a new design because let’s face it, my design needed a facelift and a more personalized look.  You can google pros and cons for using Blogger and WordPress, but the bottom line is, you have a lot of limitations with Blogger. To become self-hosted and to create your blog on wordpress.org is like opening a door to endless opportunities for your blog, as far as I’m concerned.


The main reason it took me so long to transfer was money.  Many hosting sites advertise one price and then you learn that it is a lot more to get started.  I decided to go with Hostgator.  I heard great things and I ended up only paying $20 to start and I pay less than $10 a month for my service.  I am an affiliate for them now because they have a great price and they are available 24/7.  But apart from that, I’m just stating the facts.


Below are all my reasons for making the big switch from Blogger to WordPress:


1) Comments! I hated Blogger’s comment system. I’ve been told that depending on the template I use that I could get a version of comment luv that is offered on WordPress. I researched that and couldn’t find it anywhere.  I even asked several bloggers.  I started using Intense Debate which was a lot better than other comment systems.  I liked it because it provided emails to my readers with my reply to their comment.  The bad thing about it was, it slowed down my site.


2) Which brings me to my next point. Mobile friendliness.  My site was not mobile friendly and many Blogger sites are not. To be honest, I had the worst issue when I would make the mobile version available for viewing and that was that if someone wanted to comment from his or her phone or tablet, it would come through Blogger because the mobile friendly version of my site didn’t display the Intense Debate comment form.  Some people suggested using Google Plus comments. Should you ever decide to transfer your blog in the future to another platform, you will loose those comments.


3) You have access to so many plugins that will enable you to do so much more on your website. If you need something, there is almost always a plugin for it.  The kicker is, knowing the wording of the plugins to be able to search for them or having relationships with other bloggers so that if you don’t know, you can ask.


4) Not that the average person will exceed the amount of page views per day to where this would be an immediate problem, but did you know that after your page views exceed the limit, you would need to become self-hosted anyway?  I believe the number is 10,000 page views per day.  I’ve seen posts go super viral on Pinterest. You just never know, folks.


5)  I wouldn’t want to be trying to make the switch any later than the present.  Moving everything over and building your site can be a lot of work and depending on how you maintained your comments, etc, wouldn’t you be devastated if years of working on your blog couldn’t be completely transferred over or it didn’t look exactly the same? I didn’t want to get to that point either.  If you want to make the switch and you can afford it, take it from me, hire a professional.


Some people feel that SEO is another reason to transfer.  I’ve heard some say that Google values Blogger blogs more so they rank higher or that WordPress offers more things you can do to boost your SEO rankings.  In reference to that, I will say that we forget sometimes that Google isn’t the only search engine where people can be looking for content on the web.  I’ve been privileged enough to know a blogger or two who are exceptional at SEO and making their websites rank quickly and these bloggers use Blogger.  Perhaps they are just savvy and have learned how to do so much on that platform.  However, I will say that most bloggers that I know who are successful are self-hosted and are on WordPress.  I’ve come into contact with a couple of great bloggers who are geniuses at being able to maximize the tools you can use in WordPress for SEO.  I will definitely share what I learn as I learn of course!


If you are comfortable using Blogger, by all means, continue what you are doing, but as for me, I’m glad I made the switch.


Did you ever use Blogger? 


Have you ever made this switch or any other type like this for your blog? 


Are you happy with your current blog platform or are you thinking about switching? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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  • I'm satisfied with Blogger; it has everything I need at this point in time.

    • Brittnei Washington

      When I first started blogging I definitely felt that way, too and I didn't really notice a difference. :)

  • First of all congrats!! I did this last year and it was the best decision I EVER made blogging! I agree with your advice–hire a professional! I was too scared to screw up the year and a half of blogging that I had already done. Glad your transition was seamless! I am a wordpress fan and I honestly don't think I could ever go back!
    My recent post Friday Fitness Check-in: Ket-tle bells, Ket-tle bells, Ket-tle All The Way!

    • Brittnei Washington

      Nellie, I don't think I could ever go back either. Out of all the big bloggers I know, only like 1 or 2 use Blogger and are doing well with google rankings and the like. Every other one that I meet, like yourself, advocates for WordPress. I figured there had to a reason for that and the fact that all my bloggy buddies come back from conferences saying that the instructors at the Blog Conferences are saying the exact same thing. :)

  • I currently use blogger for my lifestyle blog which I just started. but in business in the past I've used both blogger and wordpress and I like blogger overall better but like the customizing options of wordpress.

    I guess I'm currently not educated enough on why everyone loves word press, although everyone does. I have to research it more. You can be self hosted on blogger as well. so is it mostly the customizing options and the plug ins, that drew you in?

    oh and what didn't you like about blogger comments – Only because I have no idea or opinions on it.


    My recent post Fizz the Season!

    • Brittnei Washington

      Hey, Natalie! These pretty much outline my reasons for now. I'm sure as time goes on, I will find more things that I like better about WordPress. Also, I've never been to a blog conference but I have blog friends who have and they all always come back saying the same thing, WordPress is best. I know ranking in google and being great at SEO can happen with Blogger. The first blogger I ever interacted with was amazing at this stuff and she only uses Blogger. For me, I just ran into too many issues. For me comments and mobile friendliness are top priorities. Now I have both. :)

  • I started out on WordPress – actually my husband set up my blog for me which was good since I was completely clueless!!
    My recent post The Toothache Dilemma

    • Brittnei Washington

      If only hubby knew how to do this! I would have totally had him set this up for me! He's not the internet one though. I am.

  • Involuntary Hwife

    I am so glad you made the switch, the new site looks great!
    My recent post Prime Rib from Roast

  • I started on Blogger in 2010 and someone hacked my email and they shut down my blog saying it was Spam. After about a week they restored it and that's when I switched. I love WP, I know big blogs that have stayed with Blogger but I really think WP is better in my opinion. I agree with hiring a professional it is so much easier that way
    My recent post What I’m Loving….

    • Brittnei Washington

      What type of mess? Mimi, that would have made me switch earlier on as well. Perhaps I would have been more inquisitive and researched harder to get a deal like I did with Hostgator. Some of these hosts just wanted way too much money for me to start. Oh and then there was the fact that I didn't have a laptop for a few months because my little one pulled the power cord out incorrectly and broke something on the inside of my computer. Got a new computer from hubby and then I made the switch and like you, I'm so glad I did!

  • I'm still on blogger and have been doing great. I know I'll make the switch eventually and I have no idea what's keeping me from making the switch right now, call it stubbornness. Congratulations on doing it sooner than later though.
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    • Brittnei Washington

      Well, your blog is really going right now. So much going on. So I guess you would have to make time for it in order to do it. I, on the other hand, am still building my blog up so it was easier to take a week and do it. I'm sure you will figure it out. :)

  • I started on Blogger and lasted there for 2 weeks. Went over to the free WordPress and then a month later transferred to self hosted WordPress and learned so much about the ins and outs. And love WordPress and wouldn't ever go back. Glad you made the switch and looks great!! :)
    My recent post One of my favorite childhood memories is..FTSF #45

    • Brittnei Washington

      I didn't realize you were on WordPress.com as well. So you pretty much know all 3 personally. Well, I'm sure it helped you with your business. It's cool that you were able to make extra money helping people with stuff like this now.

  • I made the switch from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress. I do enjoy the plugins a lot. But I think there are pros and cons to both. After being on WordPress for awhile, I think I could have been just as fine on Blogger.
    My recent post Insomnia and the Food Cure

    • Brittnei Washington

      Yea, some people like Blogger better. I looked up a list and you're right, there are unbiased pros and cons to both.

  • I started off with self hosted WordPress, and I'm very glad I did. Just be careful that you don't use too many plug-ins – they can slow down your site. Your blog looks great, Brittnei – I'm glad you are so happy with it!
    My recent post Sign here, Santa

    • Brittnei Washington

      Dana, that sounds like great advice about the plugins. I never thought about it, but it makes sense. Thanks for the compliment on my site. I think it really suits me and I'm glad it's generating a great response from my readers :)

  • I used blogger originally and hated it went to free wordpress and eventually self hosted. Even the free wordpress for me was better than blogger. Now that I'm with wordpress, I will never ever look back. Such a better experience for me.

    • Brittnei Washington

      I think I will be like you. I honestly am just loving the way WordPress even looks and feels for my blog. I've already had my readers comment and tell me they love the fact that it's mobile friendly with no issues commenting, etc.

  • I'm glad you made the decision early on and with very good reasons listed here. I started as self hosted so I never knew another way. I created my own blog watching videos…ROTFL! Wish I could show you the original….HOT MESS! I had a local
    Professional help me get it looking like something and we worked it out for almost 6 months before it got to my liking 100%! I still have so much to learn with SEO, but I love WordPress!

    Congrats again on the switch!

    • Brittnei Washington

      Oh my goodness, Joi! I 've done one vlog and I found out you can enhance even yourself on youtube after the fact. Thankfully I have to upload that again because I created a separate gmail account for my blog's email. I hope it will look better now. I'm also glad I made the decision earlier on, too. I know people who have been blogging for years who want to make the switch. I think most want to hire someone so hopefully it won't be so traumatic for them.

  • I'm thinking of making the big switch. I'm just so nervous. It seems so overwhelming. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet.
    My recent post The Journey Back to Me

    • Brittnei Washington

      That's exactly what I had to do. Fortunately, I had started interacting with a blogger who was willing to really help me with questions and concerns. If you can't afford to hire someone, that is seriously your best bet. I still have questions and don't know much. As I was when I first entered the blog world I feel like I'm there again in certain aspects trying to learn WordPress. Everyone says the earlier the better. So as soon as you can, we all will be waiting for you to come over to this side! LOL.

  • Yay! I think you are going to love the switch :)
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  • I never did blogger when I first started I researched and the consensus was WordPress so I started off there. I love wordpress I created a blogspot for my son and I was confused as heck and that was bad. Stopping over from SITS
    My recent post 5 places to shop for Christmas without breaking the bank

    • Brittnei Washington

      That is so great that you did start with WordPress. The blogger that introduced me to blogging was using Blogger and I had started a health blog using it already so until I really started getting to know people I didn't know the difference. I'm so glad that I switched. Maybe your son will be on board with you at some point later on :)

  • I've considered making the switch, WordPress seems a bit more involved than Blogger. When I first started, I had the hardest time trying to figure out WordPress, which is how I landed on Blogger. I wish Blogger offered more but can't really say that I've ever had any real issues. Who knows, still toying with making the switch. Good job on your switch!
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    • Brittnei Washington

      Aw! Thank you so much! You are so right. It is a lot more involved. Or perhaps it could be just different. I was only ever on Blogger so it's been interesting learning new things about it everyday.

  • I never knew why I had problems commenting on some sites when using my tablet. I never thought about it being a Blogger issue. Once again your site looks great.
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    • Brittnei Washington

      Thanks so much, Sonya. Hmm…I wonder if it was all the same reason. I think it poses an issue when someone has a different comment system instead of Blogger, however, it could have been the template I was using. I'm not really sure. I never figured it out. I just couldn't wait to make the switch. :)

  • So interesting and I wish I had put that much thought into it. I was on blogger for years and heard a few too many horror stories. The fear of losing everything overwhelmed me. Janine changed my blog over in two days! So glad I hired her.
    My recent post Those Crazy, Stressful Holiday Times.

    • Brittnei Washington

      I definitely wanted to hire someone. All prices people offered were reasonable. I just really couldn't afford it. I'm glad to be over here now though so I can start to monetize my blog slowly but surely since I'm here to stay on this platform :)

  • I'm on blogger and I just had CommentLuv added to my blog. Although I just checked on it and it isn't working yet. I am surprised they haven't added more bells and whistles to it to compete with Word Press. I do hear a lot of good things about Word Press, but then I hear a lot of my friends complaining about it because they've managed to break something on it. I'm afraid I'd manage to break it. Maybe one of these days. #SITSSharefest
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    • Brittnei Washington

      I was afraid of switching, too. Plus the first blogger I knew was on Blogger and she knew so much more about it to help me. I don't think I knew what WordPress was back then. There are definitely pros and cons to both. If you are happy with Blogger, that's great!

  • Congratulations on the switch! I hope you like it. I was also thinking of switching out of Blogger myself but I think I've gotten so used to it that I won't even bother. Your site looks great! :)

    • Brittnei Washington

      Thanks so much, Krissy. I think I would have stayed with Blogger if I didn't have the issues I was having. I'm glad you like the new site. :)

  • It's good to hear about someone making the switch to WP! I started with blogger b/c all the blogs I followed prior to starting blogging used blogger, and they were all really big bloggers. I've thought about making the switch, but for me it's timing. I just don't have the time. I don't have time to play around with my existing blog, let alone start paying for a site I don't have time to learn the ins and outs of. I wish I could pay someone to manage my blog for like 2 months and make it look awesome :)

    It looks great Brittnei!
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    • Brittnei Washington

      I definitely think if you end up making the switch that allowing someone to do it for you will be the best bet. My blogger friend Tamara had our blogger buddy Janine do it and she did it in just 2 days! Janine also does design upgrades, too. I put a link to her J9 Designs site in this post. If you ever want to do it and you have the money, I definitely recommend using her :)

  • I have considered making the switch to WordPress. Right now Blogger is getting the job done for me though. There are several things I like about WordPress but I do like the simplicity of Blogger.
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