The Journey Continues…

The Journey Continues
If you are a regular here you probably can remember that I am night weaning my son.  Whenever I say this, for some reason, people get the impression that I am completely weaning him.  No, he is just not nursing at night anymore.  I wanted to get him ready for when I have to nurse a newborn at night.  I intend to co-sleep with my new baby so I also thought it could be dangerous for the 2 of them to sleep with me; at least while the new baby is so little.  Anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever shared with you all how I decided to breastfeed and how the journey has gone over the last 21 months.  We’ve had our ups and downs, and overall bumps in the road, but we are still here, me and my baby…nursing for 21 months strong now.


With that said, I’m happy to announce that I finally wrote about my journey in a guest post over at Nursing Nurture: Breastfeeding Advice, Support and Blog.  Krista asked me if I wanted to talk about my experience of nursing while pregnant in a guest post one day after I responded to a question she had tweeted about breastfeeding.  Krista is a lactation specialist and the mom of 4.  She is a true breastfeeding advocate and is supportive and knowledgeable not only from her schooling and from helping others, but her personal experience as well.  I hope you will head over to read my post entitled “The Journey Continues.”  Thank you to all of you who always support my blog and my journey.  You are truly amazing and wonderful human beings that I am so fortunate to interact with on a daily basis!


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  • tamaralikecamera

    Oh yay!! Heading over! Congrats!
    My recent post Where’s My “Get Up And Go”?

  • Good for you! That's awesome!!
    My recent post Flying with my 3-year-old

  • I admire you for being able to continue breastfeeding for a such a long time. I only breastfed for a month and thought that I could no longer do it because I had to work after 2 months. I felt now that I may have not tried so hard. Gonna read your guest post too! :)
    My recent post Love to Organize!

    • Brittnei Washington

      Thanks so much, Rea, for the support. Yea, it can be hard from what I hear with the pumping and everything. But I've heard of moms who have done it for a long time. :)

  • Loved reading how it all began for you and thank you for sharing your story with us today!! :)
    My recent post 2014 ~ Celebrate The New Year with Ways to Get Rid of Last Year’s Unused Items

  • Just came back from reading your post, and I loved it! I, too, had serious issues with latch when Britton was born last summer. She'd been in the NICU for a few days and had gotten bottles there (against my wishes) and that–plus an undiagnosed tongue tie–made our nursing experience horrible at first. I would cry and cry because of her horrible latch, and even after the tongue tie procedure, she still preferred the bottle. I am stubborn though, and pumped her milk and gave it to her in a bottle rather than giving her formula. I still kept trying to latch but she had no part of it…until the day she turned six months! We haven't looked back since then. :) You are such an awesome mama for continuing to keep giving your little boy the amazing benefits of BM. Wonderful, wonderful post!!
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    • Brittnei Washington

      Have you had a chance to write about your story? I bet some moms have gone through what you have and perhaps would have given up but knowing another mom stuck with it and was able to eventually breastfeed right at the breast is so wonderful! So happy that you did that. I'm sure you and your baby will seriously benefit from that. :)

  • Visiting now!
    My recent post No way like Broadway

  • Congrats on the guest post! I think it's wonderful that you breastfeed! My daughter has breastfed all four of her children and I couldn't be prouder.
    My recent post Fran Drescher, Vin Diesel, and a Workout

    • Brittnei Washington

      It is so wonderful and I really adore the experience. I'm excited to do it with all of my children, too. Thanks for your support on my guest post! :)

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