Category Archives: Fit Pregnancy Series

The Fit Pregnancy Series

Fit Pregnancy Series

I have decided to create a video series of some of my workouts that my husband is doing with me at home during my pregnancy so I decided to call it The Fit Pregnancy Series.  :)  The great thing about this is, if people want to do some workouts at home, these exercises are great for anyone, but they are also pregnancy friendly.  As you will be able to see in this video, having a personal trainer/buddy to workout with in my husband is really helpful.  Not being able to view myself doing things can sometimes be a challenge for me.  I wasn’t always the type to workout in a gym or at home like this so he has definitely been my guide in the process and really since I started learning more about workouts and fitness.  I hope you all will enjoy these videos.  The first one is a bit longer than I expected, it’s roughly 8 minutes.  We are only showing you how to do the workout though, not taking you through my entire workout displaying each rep that I do which would have made it even longer!


Special shot out to my blog friend Nellie!  I saw an exercise at her place last week and I was able to incorporate it into my workout at home as you will see in the video!  You will have to also check out her post on it.  The idea, in my opinion, was brilliant so I’m giving credit where credit is due.  Without further ado, here’s the first Fit Pregnancy Series video!  Enjoy!


