My First Appointment
Today it finally came! My first appointment! Last night, right before I went to bed, I did something extremely silly: I went to my birth club message board on Baby Center. Why might that be silly? Well, I saw a post that said something like “Goodbye.” It was a woman who was 11 weeks along letting us know that she had miscarried. She went to the doctor’s and there was no heart beat on the ultrasound! According to my last menstrual cycle, I am 11 weeks! That was not what I wanted to hear right before I went to bed, the day before my appointment. Very, very sad for her. I sent my sympathy her way and went off to sleep. As a courtesy of me linking up with Ten Things of Thankful. I will be sharing my visit while I share also what I’m thankful for! Here it goes…
1) I’m thankful that when I had my ultrasound today that there was a cute little angel growing inside of me. Here’s the baby’s debut on my blog below:
2) I’m thankful for his or her heart beat that was around 180 (beats per minute?) I think that it’s measured that way. I know the doctor said it was 180.
3) I’m thankful that this time around I am going to a D.O. I’ve only gone to M.D. doctors in the past. We have changed so much in terms of how we want to handle our health that I think a D.O. could be what we need. But we’ll see. I have no discrimination against M.D. medical professionals. I just know they may have some gripes with some of our decisions that we have been making for our family so that may not be a good fit for us.
4) I’m happy that my husband and I actually really like our OB so far. The first time around my husband wanted to have a woman doctor. (Men are weird sometimes. I couldn’t even tell you what that was about lol.) But today with our new doctor here in Arizona, after talking with him about all of my concerns and just interacting with him, we both agreed he seems to know his stuff and he’s extremely personable.
5) As a side note: last night was probably the easiest night so far in our night weaning process with J.R. He went to bed at what was, a better hour for all of us, and it literally didn’t take him that long to fall asleep! Thank you God for that one!
6) I’m thankful that the office that we went to for the appointment wasn’t too far.
7) Also for the fact that it is practically new and it was a nice experience even when I had to go in the bathroom to provide a urine sample. (TMI? Sorry!)
8) I’m thankful that this is my 2nd baby. It feels so much more laid back and a sigh of relief. Today when I got my ultrasound, the doctor measured me to be about 10 weeks 4 days along, but according to my last menstrual cycle, I’m 11 weeks 4 days. Here’s the deal: with the current measurements of the baby, I would be due August 5th (3 days after my birthday), but I know from last time that up until around the 13th week, J.R. measured about a week behind as well, so I plan not to even change the due date from July 27th just yet. In 2 weeks when I go back for blood work and my NT scan, if the baby is still measuring a week behind, then it will be official in my mind that I’m due August 5th!
9) I’m thankful that my uterus isn’t as abnormally shaped as I thought AND I probably won’t need to keep getting checked to make sure my cervix isn’t thinning the next trimester. Here’s the deal with that: in my last pregnancy, I was diagnosed with having a bicornuate uterus, which is a type of abnormal shape that is different than the normal pear shape. I didn’t know how abnormal it really was, but because it was my first pregnancy that was to carry to term, my doctor didn’t want to take any chances, and she had me checked by a specialist every 2 weeks between weeks 16 and 24 to make sure that I wasn’t going to go into preterm labor. With an abnormal shaped uterus, depending on the shape and other factors, the baby could have problems growing to term so the mother is at risk of going into preterm labor. My OB confirmed today that it is slightly abnormal, but nothing to be overly concerned about. Besides, because I carried to term the first time around with no issues, if he sees again that my cervix doesn’t look to be thinning, he said he won’t make me see a specialist every 2 weeks like last time. See why I said it’s a bonus that I’ve done this before?!
Finally number 10) So thankful that I have you all to share these details with! It’s very exciting to have more than just my immediate and some extended family who lives very far away to be excited for our journey.
I’m linking up with Ten Things of Thankful! Come join us and tell us 10 things you’re thankful for: